Cataract Risk Factors

Cataracts may develop at any age, although they are more frequent in adults over 60. This article will go through the reasons and risk factors for cataracts, such as age, eye trauma, and certain medical diseases.

Cataract Surgery Recovery

Patients are typically able to go home the same day if the operation is conducted as an outpatient procedure. Although cataract surgery is typically safe and successful, patients should be informed of the recovery process and what to anticipate.

Alternative Treatments to Cataracts

The most often marketed alternative treatments for cataracts are eye drops, vitamins, and home remedies. Several eye solutions claim to dissolve or prevent cataracts, but the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned against using them since they may be harmful and cause eye damage.

Cataract Symptoms

One of the most frequent cataract symptoms is impaired or blurred vision. This may be caused by lens clouding, which scatters light entering the eye and makes it harder to see properly.